Does Your Workplace Protect Against Respiratory Problems ?
Working in the realm of auto body repair can be extremely rewarding. From achieving technical excellence to exceeding customer expectations, the benefits of working in this industry are many and varied.
But the auto body repair shop environment also presents some hazards. Alongside repetitive motion disorder, noise exposure and the risk of slips, falls and mechanical injury, body shops can also pose a threat to a worker’s respiratory system, too.
For those who carry out auto shop body repair, using paints, primers, polishes and fillers is a necessity. But these substances, alongside dust and other particles produced by machinery, can irritate the respiratory tract, and can damage eyes and skin.
Thankfully, there are a number of steps that can be taken to minimise or eradicate these threats. Workers should have access to painting suits, respirators and gloves as and when necessary. In addition, managers of body shops should ensure repair … Continue reading >>>