Why Billboard Advertising has The Potential to Boost ROI in the Automotive Sector

Getting straight to the point: advertising needs to not only be seen but acted upon. But the first step is crucial — you need to be seen. And what better way to be seen than to reveal a large billboard advertising your brand in a strategically selected place?

Over the years, the automotive industry has had a hugely successful relationship with the advertising power of billboards. In the early 1900s, the Ford Model T became the main promotional product in the world’s eyes. Billboards have always held a strong sway, even in the digital age, and even featured as the crucial element of recent blockbuster, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.
Businesses operating within the UK automotive industry really cannot afford to miss out on the potential ROI increase available from billboard advertising. Let’s explore this in more detail…

Why Billboard Advertising has The Potential to Boost ROI in the Automotive Sector

Billboard advertising can be a real time-save

On average, British people are … Continue reading >>>

Four Great Cars for First-Time Buyers

Most of us dream of purchasing our very first set of wheels, but very often our budgets cannot stretch to the cars of our dreams.

Four Great Cars for First-Time Buyers

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With the average cost of car ownership over our lifetime estimated to exceed £168,000, it is not just the initial purchase price of the car you must consider. There are other factors such as maintenance, road tax, running costs and of course insurance.

With first-time drivers being the highest risk group on the roads, the price of insurance can be extremely high. It is therefore vital to choose a car which is in the lower insurance group with good safety features, a small engine and at a relatively low price.

1. The Ford KA

Around for over a decade now, the Ford KA has become a common sight on Britain’s roads, and it certainly ticks many boxes as a first car.

Costing around … Continue reading >>>

Custom Plates is the Perfect Gift for Any Man

Have you ever seen one of those unique commercials that gets stuck in your head and you can’t quit thinking about it? Me too. The Plate Man is saturating the television networks with his commercials. Especially on days when there is a lot of sports or racing on. It makes perfect sense since men are the most likely target audience for these ads. What better time to air them. I know that if I am noticing them then a high percentage of men are noticing more about them. When you think about it it is some pretty clever marketing.

My curiosity got the better of me and I just had to look up this company one evening while I was playing around on the computer. I did not realize how many different types of number and show plates were available until I visited this site.… Continue reading >>>

I began working from home earlier in the year and turned a room in my home into my office. There wasn’t anything in the office for decoration and I thought the room could use some decorations. I wanted a little humor in my office that could help me get past the monotonous daily tasks that I’m often faced with for hours. I thought about a show plate with a funny short message written on it that would make me laugh and went to https://www.showplatesdirect.com/show-plates-maker/ to create one.

When it came to thinking of something humorous to put on a show plate, I was faced with a bit of writer’s block. I needed the message to be really short, while still saying something that could make me laugh whenever I looked at it.… Continue reading >>>

Industry Study Report dynamics study of the japanese automotive industry

global automobile manufacturer market share 20161. Business dynamics and the global car industry…. We might also be in a war on the Korean Peninsula, all of which would add an additional couple of trillion to our war debt — and we could currently have totally rebuilt the nation’s infrastructure with half of what we squandered on the Iraq and Afghan wars. The economy would be in shambles, due to the fact there would have been no 800 billion stimulus, the auto sector would have disappeared and McCain’s self-correcting cost-free market” fiddle faddle would have created the Bush depression deeper — alas chances are we would be in a second Excellent Depression” that would be worse than the very first one particular. And all these now yapping about how the President bailed out the bankers — which was in fact done by Bush but Obama would have been forced to do … Continue reading >>>