There is no such thing as a simple fender bender. If your fender is damaged in a car accident, then you should take it to an auto body shop Denver Co mechanic. Auto body technicians are trained and know what to look for on a crashed vehicle. They want to make sure there is no hidden damage. Read on to find out why you should get your fender inspected by a technician.

Get Vehicle Damages Paid
It helps to know the laws in your state for car accidents. Some states have no fault car insurance laws. It is common for drivers to think they are not responsible when a no fault law is in place. However, these laws only pertain to medical treatment. Your car insurance must pay your medical bills regardless of who is at fault.
On the other hand, it does not affect fault when damage occurs to a vehicle. If you are rear ended, then the other driver is at fault. The other driver’s insurance should pay for repairs.
Find Hidden Danger
A vehicle is made up of intricate parts. A minor dent of your bumper may not seem major. However, there could be some hidden damage. The bumper usually has a layer of foam hidden behind it. The foam absorbs some of the damage from an impact. If the foam is damaged, then it does not bounce back into shape.
You should repair the foam. If you are hit again in the same area, then the impact is more severe. You will not have that insulating protector in place. It helps find out if there is hidden damage behind a dent when making a decision about repairing a fender.
Consider Resale Value of Your Vehicle
You must understand how a dent in your fender can affect the value of your vehicle. A dent is a minor repair, but can be a drawback to sellers. If you are planning to sell soon, then you should repair your fender. If not, you may find that the value of your vehicle may sell for less money.
You need a vehicle to carry out every day routines. An auto body shop can return your vehicle to the way it was before the collision.